Fjord Trends 2020

1. Many faces of growth 3. Walking barcodes 5. Designing intelligence 7. Life-centred design Table of Contents ►Video Overview ►Video Overview ►Video Overview ►Video Overview What’s Next What’s Next What’s Next What’s Next Fjord Suggests Fjord Suggests Fjord Suggests Fjord Suggests Home 2. Money Changers 4. Liquid people 6. Digital doubles Further reading Contents Further reading Introduction ►Video Overview ►Video Overview ►Video Overview What’s Next What’s Next What’s Next Fjord Suggests Fjord Suggests Fjord Suggests
Introduction Every year, Fjord–Accenture Interactive’s design and innovation practice–crowdsources trends for the year ahead from its network of 1,200 people in 33 studios worldwide. It’s always a labor of love, plenty of Post-it Notes and coffee, and mainly, lots of healthy debate and laughs. With new studios opening in Japan and across Latin America, Fjord Trends 2020 are our most globally diverse to date. Even with the diversity of regional flavors and context, there was a high level of consensus in our initial idea-gathering stage. As a result, these are our most closely connected trends ever, telling a comprehensive story about our landscape and what to expect in business, technology and design in the year ahead.
“90 percent of boardrooms believe that their organizations must have a clear social purpose to contribute to society, beyond maximizing returns to shareholders.” Lloyds Financial Institutions sentiment survey, November 2019
It’s time to realign the fundamentals 2020’s meta trend is nothing short of a major realignment of the fundamentals. It’s tempting to misinterpret this as a gloomy picture– instead, we think this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to innovate in business models, services and products around new definitions ofvalue. However it plays out from here, one thing is likely: those who embrace the long-term view–by starting with their impact on the world and society, and embracing the systemic complexity of the world–will emerge aswinners.

Corporate transformation will soon switch focus from digital to purpose, in response to people’s demand for success metrics that enhance our lives–alongside financial growth.

What’s next • A re-examination of long-held beliefs, stemming from changing societal values, concerns about finite natural resources,and economic and political instability. • Innovation in meaning and metrics. New definitions might include personal growth, such as learning, happiness, communal longevity or good health. Economic modelswill evolve and organizations will need to upskill staff at all levels. • For organizations, the challenge will lie in MORE TO EXPLORE esolving the tension between finding more r purposeful business objectives without losing sight of the fact that profit is essential for longevity.
Reimagine how you define and measure growth for different stakeholders. Think… Say… Do… How will you define new Ask your employees whatsort What you measure counts.Start s types of value you candeliver of growth they’d like to see in to embed new metrics t while making the profit the organization. Get the (alongside financial growth) to s required tothrive? debategoing. drivebehaviors. And how will Customer Collaborate with the willing to gge make change happen at an Experience and Employee industrial level, as effective Su Experience work together to change is easier to sign up toif d create that value at thepoints many join thegame. of creation anddelivery? How are you set up fordifferent or value to be rewarded? How do Fj you motivatepeople?
Ourexperienceofwhatmoneyisandwhat it can do is changing, opening the door for a host of pioneering products and services as money carries other information with it, andrepresents multipleformsofvalue.

What’s next • Our mental model of money as somethingphysical will be replaced by money as traceable, programmable filetransfers. • New payment experiences will be used as a pointof differentiation and disruption. • As it becomes easier for companies to play a financial role in their customers’ lives, trust will be key and it will have to be built through quality of experience, while robustly addressing concerns about privacy, transparency andintegrity. • Smart devices can already learn to identify their MORE TO EXPLORE sers for authentication with minimal effort.Next, u we’ll see a significant rise in the use of “biometric mobile wallets”–payment by fingerprint, facial or retinarecognition.
Reimagine transaction and payment as a source of innovation and competitive advantage. Think… Say… Do… If your service were a part of Communicate why people Move to where people are s money transactions, what can trust your organization. going to manage money and t would it look like? For Highlight your customers' build on services theyalready s example, if every payment trust as an asset you can use (i.e. technology like SMS carried information aboutyou extend to new financial or services like neobanks). gge or your customers, what offerings. Follow these closely and look Su would that be? How useful for new productopportunities d could you make it? around people’s moneygoals. How will the changing or landscape of moneyaffect Fj your business and customers?
Interfaces are dissolving, and we’re finding new ways for technology to identify both us and features of our behavior. 5G’s impact will extendbeyond faster data connection to enable new physical experiences, made possible by facial and body languagerecognition.

What’s next • The Internet of Bodies will be added tothe Internet of Things. • Living Services will move from the digitalworld into the physical one. We will start designing for dissolving interfaces, 5G-enabled space personalization and machine-to-machine communication. • Designers will need to learn from the data mistakes made in digital, and ensure that the invisible data transaction is an exchangethat offers people tangiblevalue. MORE TO EXPLORE • Organizations will need to understand howto design opt-out in the real world, how to ethically shape people’s behaviors, and any associated concerns andconstraints.
Reimagine new services for dissolving interfaces, enabled by 5G. Think… Say… Do… Which of your services could be Advocate for data minimalism and Make the invisible visible so s unlocked by biometrics? What educate your customers about people understand when a scan, t could you do with facial data consent and privacy–the transaction or consent has taken s recognition or understanding consequences of data breach in place. body language to reduce friction biometrics are much more severe. Ensure that people can be the gge for people? curators of their own personalized Then look at the human experiences–build a platform for Su experience of these services: Who people to express, discover, and do they most convenience? How receive what they want. d do people consent? or How could improved Fj communications between machines, via 5G, create new service opportunities?
What does it mean in 2020 to be a "consumer" or an"employee"? We increasingly need to support individual consumers’ and employees’ changeabledesires and pursuit of greater meaning in theirlives.

What’s next • It’s unclear which markets this trend will most affect and when, but personalpurpose-seeking is on the rise. pect to hear more about ethical anxiety • We ex as we navigate trade-offs betweencompeting ethical demands and our own wants and desires. erational shift. A preference for • This is not a gen products, services and work with personal purpose will be just as likely from people intheir sixties and seventies as by teens or the middle- MORE TO EXPLORE aged. This is a rapidly growing market opportunity. • We will need to link cu stomer and employee experience much more closely than everbefore.
Reimagine your offering for the era of conscious consumerism. Think… Say… Do… How does your brandenable Strike the word "consumer" Help people navigateanxiety s people to define themselves from your vocabulary. around ethicalchoices. t beyond what they consume, Provide people withchoices Set up Human Insightsteams s the work they do or the income theyearn? that allow them to flex and instead of Consumer gge explore theiridentity. Insights–focus less on the How does your businessthink number of people that are Su about people beyond the taking specific actions, and d boxes of "customer" or more on the context that "employee"? surrounds their decision- or making. Fj
The next step for Artificial Intelligence is a generation of systems that blend itwith human intelligence to unlock the full potential of people and machines workingtogether.

What’s next • Organizations will need new, systematic approaches for unlocking the full potentialof human collaboration withAI. • Through our work with Accenture’s Dock,we’ve identified three key areas: • Enhancing the Human Experience by extending our perceptualcapabilities. • Empowering People in Complex Systemsof bal organizations. glo • Envisioning New Products and Services through simulation and decisionmaking MORE TO EXPLORE support. • AI and people view the world very differently, and if we harness AI for innovation, we couldgenerate ideas we’d never dream of ourselves. It’s not a race against machines, but withmachines.
Reimagine how to design AI for the human intelligence around it to step to the next level of value creation. Think… Say… Do… How can you make AI part of your Talk about AI in simple terms Trust AI data to help you in your s strategic decision-making process according to what it can do–see, decision-making and mock-up t rather than just automation of hear, recommend–rather than your AI first before heavily s individual tasks? technical descriptions, like investing in it–barriers to entry for Where in your processes does "computer vision". AI prototypes has dropped human input add more value, and dramatically, thanks to online gge where is AI better suited for the platforms. Su job? What human qualities will you intentionally design into your d AI colleague? or How will you effectively manage Fj the interface and handover between humans andmachine?
Brandswill need to learn how to interact with our digital doubles–virtual home for all our data, and gatekeepersofourdigitallives.Sowillwe.

What’s next • By looking like us, Digital Doubles could rewrite the data ownership model. By doing all the workwith companies and serving back to the user the best solutions for them, they begin to become the gatekeepers of our digitallives. • The critical consideration for every person willbe: who do I trust to host my DigitalDouble? • A critical consideration for organizations will be: how can we design and build trust and safety into our offering to give people the confidence to choose us as their host? MORE TO EXPLORE • Any Digital Double experience mu st be engaging, transparent and easy to access. Interface and interactions must match the user's mental model– and be simple and clear. Visualization will be a centralchallenge.
Reimagine the representation ofpeople. Think… Say… Do… What category of interactions Make it clear to peoplethat Ensure data reliability, but s could be opened upbyDigital they have control of their make sure you're notoverly t Doubles? data–not you–and reliant on the data–always s demonstrate that your include the "livedreality". Shape your strategy with platform can be trusted to gge Digital Doubles aroundthree win customers and Avoid falling into the usecases: employees. gamification trap but do play Su • Delegating tasks foryou. and experiment, as this is a new realm with properties d • Masqueradingyour which are as yet or presence. undetermined. our behavioror Fj • Modeling y future.
If it's true that organizations are working to define new forms of growth and thatpeople are moving away from defining themselves simply by the items they buy or the work they do, how should designrespond?

What’s next • Those producing physical goods will have to change often complex supply chain and manufacturing processes in time to meet customers’ demand for purposeful productsand services that make a positive impact. • Those in digital must replace their businessmode l of constant engagement and self-service with alternatives that reinstate the interpersonal connections, attention and time that peoplewant. • Design needs to adjust. Designers mustbroaden their understanding to look at entire systems as MORE TO EXPLORE they increasingly design to meet the needs of personal and collective values. New tools will emerge.
Reimagine the role of design in 2020. Think… Say… Do… Redefine desirability, Show that you consider Update your designskillset s feasibility, viability in your natural, political andsocietal with systems thinking. t work. ecosystems as equals– Collaborate with other s practice "do no harm" in all How can your offeringbecome areas rather than paying lip disciplines, such asscientists, gge regenerative by design, service. technologists and futurists, including deleted items that and actively design in Su disappear fromview? Demonstratethat systems that encourage d How can you use design as a life-centered design isyour people to reduce their use of central tool for creating new norm, and not just a resources. or alignment around change,and project. Fj the purpose ofinnovation?
Further reading Read the Fjord Trends2020 For a deeperdive visit To find out more about realigningfundamentals for your organization, contact [email protected]